By Internet:

To order by the Internet, use our easy shopping cart interface by clicking on the products you want. Then click "order" when you have made your choices. You will be taken to a page to complete the information we need.

By Phone:

You can place your order with one of our helpful customer service representatives by calling 1-800-YOYOGUY or 1-800-54-TORCH. International customers please use 850-385-6463. Our operators are available Monday through Saturday,. 11am-8pm EST, or leave a voicemail message at other times.

By Fax:

Use our convenient fax service to place your order. Especially useful for international orders. Our fax number is 1-850-668-5825.

By Mail:

You can mail your order to us at

Infinite Illusions
PO Box 3045
Tallahassee, FL 32315 USA

Please be sure to include a check or money order along with a detailed list of the products you would like to purchase. Also make sure that the amount you send reflects the correct shipping charges.

Our shipping charges are as follows:

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The shopping cart will work when you change your settings and restart your browser, or you can call 1-800-969-6489 to place your order by phone.
YoYoguy.com 1-800-YoYoGuy

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