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Duncan Yo-yos > Mosquito - Duncan Crew Worldwide Special Edition (Membership Pending)

Mosquito - Duncan Crew Worldwide Special Edition (Membership Pending)
Want to be a member of the Duncan Crew, or maybe just look like them. We've procured a quantity of this special edition Duncan Crew Worldwide (Membership Pending) Mosquito's. All the goodness of the Mosquito but in black. No guarantees of membership being accepted. Use as directed. Does not meet 1994 Mini-van Safety standards
Mosquito Duncan Crew SE
DUC49 Price:$10.49 Out of Stock
- Shape: Concave
- Material: Plastic
- Diameter: 52mm
- Thickness: 34mm
- Weight: 47gm
- Play style: String Trick, Freehand
- Axle or Bearing type: Bearing A
- Special Features: Take Apart
- Friction Sticker: 1
- Skill Level: 2
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