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Dif-E-Yo Yo-yos > InTernal Turmoil Dave Shulte Signiture Yo-Yo
InTernal Turmoil Dave Shulte Signiture Yo-Yo
The InTernal Turmoil is a testament to Dave's precision and Frank's pure quality. Don't take my word for it though, just ask Dazzling Dave himself. It comes stock with two dif pads and a Konkave C bearing as well as four extra pads, and it's silicone capable for all you mod happy players with your flowable silicone. It's heavy weight helps to give it great spin times without a lot of response. Want to know what a true custom precision yo-yo feels like? Pick one of these up.
The InTernal Turmoil by Dif-E-Yo
DY15 Price:$90.00 Out of Stock
- Shape: Concave
- Material: Metal
- Diameter: 53mm
- Thickness: 41mm
- Weight: 67gm
- Play style: String Trick
- Axle or Bearing type: Bearing C
- Special Features: Take Apart
- Friction Sticker: 2
- Skill Level: 5
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