MicroMo by YoYoJam
The Micro Mo is the smallest high-performance yo-yo to come from YoYoJam! Designed with guidance from the master modder Mo Chavez this is the best pocket sized yo-yo available!
A huge focus in the design of this yo-yo was to ensure no playability was sacrificed for the smaller size. Even with its small size, the Micro Mo is a world-class player with amazing spin dynamics! The bronze nickel-plated rims on its small polycarbonate body focus rim weight so precisely that this yo-yo is as powerful spinning as it is quick and nimble in your hands.
Micro Mo includes the Solid Spin axle system with silicone o-rings and delivers perfect, unresponsive dead-smooth play.
Don't judge a yo-yo by its size. The Micro Mo is built to play with the best of them!
YJ105 Price:$57.80
- Shape: Concave
- Material: Combined (Mixed Materials)
- Diameter: 44mm
- Thickness: 35mm
- Weight: 65gm
- Play style: String Trick
- Axle or Bearing type: Bearing C
- Special Features: Take Apart
- Friction Sticker: 2
- Skill Level: 4

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