Karma by YoYoJam
The newest YoYoJam metal is here, and it is here in the form of the Karma! This is the second metal yo-yo by YoYoJam to have the concept of a heavy middle as opposed to heavy rim weight. This yo-yo is insanely smooth and plays unresponsive out of the box sporting a C size bearing and YoYoJam's silicone stickers. This is a WYYC edition yo-yo so quantities are limited. Be sure to pick one of these up today!
YJ109 Price:$114.75
- Shape: Concave
- Material: Metal
- Diameter: 51mm
- Thickness: 41mm
- Weight: 66gm
- Play style: String Trick
- Axle or Bearing type: Bearing C
- Special Features: Take Apart
- Skill Level: 5

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