Go Big! by YoYoJam
The Go Big! is the newest offstring yo-yo to come from YoYoJam, makers of the most popular yo-yos used for this style of play. This is the signature yo-yo of Ben Conde, and if you watch his 2011 Worlds freestyle video, you can tell that the words Go Big! mean more to him then just the name of his yo-yo. About the size of an Aquarius, this yo-yo is built for supreme offstring play. This is the World yo-yo Contest edition of this yo-yo, so supplies are very limited.
Go Big
YJ112 Price:$33.00
- Shape: Concave
- Diameter: ,*mm
- Thickness: djmm
- Weight: ,)gm
- Play style: Off String
- Special Features: Take Apart
- Skill Level: 4

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