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YoYoJam Yo-yos > Hiroyuki Suzuki's Speeder 2 by YoYoJam

Hiroyuki Suzuki's Speeder 2 by YoYoJam
This is the updated version of the Speeder yo-yo, the signature yo-yo of 3x World yo-yo champion Hiroyuki Suzuki! IT took out some of the older elements such as the hybrid response system, and put in silicone stickers. If you think that Hiroyuki is fast, you should play this yo-yo! It is very light on the string, and the extra wide catch zone allows for very precise string hits. This is one of YoYoJam's most popular yo-yos, and if you try it, you will know why YoYoJam is the choice of champions.
Speeder 2
YJ52 Price:$57.80
- Shape: Concave Adjustable Gap
- Material: Combined (Mixed Materials)
- Diameter: 54mm
- Thickness: 34mm
- Weight: 65gm
- Play style: String Trick
- Axle or Bearing type: Bearing C
- Special Features: Take Apart
- O-Ring Size: III
- Skill Level: 3

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