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Seat Posts > Replacement Seat Posts

Replacement Seat Posts
Seatpost too short or too tall?
It's easy to fix. We stock three lengths of seat posts with a 22.5 mm (7/8") diameter post. Most unicycles come with a 300mm (11.8 inch) seat post standard and are 22.5mm (7/8") in diameter. These posts replace these seat posts. The 200mm (7.8") can also be made by shortening your existing seat post with a hack saw. Lengths available are 200mm (7.8"), 300mm (11.8") and 400mm (15.7"). When you click on the Add to Cart button you will be prompted for the length you want.
Note, this will not fit on a Miyata seat
Replacement Seat Posts
UNIS02 Price:$15.00